Sheikh Mohammed Hussien Al-Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer and Al-Amoudi Scientific Chair for Breast Cancer (You are My Partner) Launching Ceremony

In wednesday 21 dhil-qaada 1432H including agrees 19 October 2011, the Centre, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi center of Excellence for breast cancer and al-Amoudi Sceintific Chair for Breast Cancer, launching a campaign, (You are My Partner) under the supervision of Dr. Samia Al-Amoudi, and in the presence of His Excellency the President of the Governing Council Adnan Mozrooa ,H.E. Dean, Faculty of Medicine Prof. Mahmoud Shahin and in the presence of several senior employees in the university, His Excellency Dr. Sami Dawood, director of health affairs in the western region


Last Update
12/4/2011 1:38:43 PM

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